Thursday, January 21, 2010

Walking Contradiction

Today I would like to comment on the insanity that is my DM. She drives me up the flippin wall. Just thinking about her puts me on edge. There has been some drama in another district, so she feels she is going to lose her job... if only we could make that a possibility... Let me illuminate on some of her antics.

She tells us to empty out the back room. To get out everything we have. So in this spirit, I took out a few shelves in the shampoo section to expand on hair goods. We don't receive enough shampoo to fill the shelves. I did this like 3 months ago. Yesterday she is like why did you take out the shelves... you never take out shelves. She was like where are u going to put all that shampoo from the back (there was like 15 cases)? I brought it all to the floor... and didn't have to add shelves.

So then her boss's boss's boss... I guess he is like the president or whatever... is apparently in town. So my DM goes into panic mode. She is like hurry up and finish the boxes so you are only taking up one side of the aisle. I had frickin one box left. And then she is like why is your ladder our. That can't be there. I was like... I am emptying this box for a customer... After that I went back to what I was doing... where I needed my ladder... I am only 5'4. So thien she was like... you know what happened the last time you had a bad walk. I wanted to be like... what's the most you can do? Demote me to a cashier? I welcome that... then I won't have to deal with your ass. She drives me up the wall.

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