Thursday, December 31, 2009

Customers that make you go hmmm...

Dollar tree with jason

kent floro | MySpace Video

So I found this video on myspace. I am willing to bet you money... after filming this little ditty... they took the product off and just left it somewhere in the aisle. I can bet you money that they did not buy it. I can just bet you money. Actually after watching it again... you see them just throw the stuff in a bin... Customers...


So today's topic is payroll. My DM decides she is going to start writing up store managers who over spend on payroll. So we are running 33 hours over. Corporate gave us 10 hours... so we are running over 23 hours. My store is on my DM's s**t list... so my SM is like... we have to cut hours. We ended up cutting cashiers tomorrow and Saturday. We also cut stocking hours. Next week we were originally scheduled 15 hours over... and now we are only 3 hours over.

Now I understand this whole... we can't spend payroll willy nilly... but come on. They are not supplying us the hours to successfully run the store. Now for the next two days I have to stock while running the register and providing customer service. Do you know how difficult it is to stock 175 cases an hour and run a register? The minute you get through your line and back to the aisle... here comes another customer. All I have to say... I don't want to hear my DM complaining that the truck isn't processed.