Thursday, January 21, 2010

Walking Contradiction Part 2

So there are other things that bother me about my DM. This concerns gossip. So since being in her district... I have gotten into trouble several times for gossip. The thing is... I'm not gossiping. I am having conversations with other managers about events that happen in the company we all work for. I am not spreading rumors. So my DM expects me to not talk to any people outside of my store... even though I've been in 6 stores since I started 2 years ago. That is so not right... and I am pretty sure illegal.

Anyways, there is a MIT at our store this week to help us prepare for the freezers... woo frickin hoo. So my DM asks if she heard about the drama in the other district. And if she heard it from another manager. Which she said she hadn't. But the MIT relayed that she had talked to the other manager about it. And nothing. My DM said nothing. No... smart ass comments... like... you shouldn't talk to him about that. Nothing.

And not to mention... My DM spreads just as much gossip... only she says... this stays between you and me when she tells you something. So I am officially nicknaming her Walking Contradiction (or WC for short).

And you can't trust her as far as you can throw her... but that is a whole different post.

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